Monday, 20 April 2009

Third Day, 22nd Apirl '09

What can I say? What an interesting day!
The next leg of our journey took our group of twelve went to Pscherer Institute where Mrs. Doris Wildgrube would present the changes and applications of the different types of renewable energies that were being employed in Vogtland.

After this talk, we made our way over to the Goltzschetalbrucke (renowned as the longest brick-made bridge in the world). The interesting facts include: the bridge was made with 26 million bricks, made up of 4 storeys with 81 arches and stands 574m long and 78m high and having foundations of 20m deep!

The next part of our trip took us to the Space Exhibition in Morgenrote-Rautenbach. The highlights of this tour were: seeing space-travel history, famous space-men and women, Hubble Telescope and the Mir Space Station. Gerard and Marcus practiced docking onto the ISS...

It was intriguing how life could be in the MIR Space Station, we sat in the replica of the main cabin of the space station (below).

The evening brought us to dinner with managing directors, project managers and the major players from the Pscherer Institute.

It was an interesting dinner with the sharing of Simon and Steven from EcoSkies sharing about their business in a presentation. The presentation was well presented by Steven who apparently did not enjoy presenting!

I am sure that the next few days will be even more interesting and fruitful.

Many blessings to you

Thanks for reading! Leon

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